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Wholesale flowers, plants and sundries

Direct to florists throughout Essex and London


Wholesale flowers, plants and sundries

Direct to florists throughout Essex and London


Wholesale flowers, plants and sundries

Direct to florists throughout Essex and London


We are Estuary Wholesale

Estuary Wholesale is a family run business bringing you the finest quality of flowers and foliage, established since 2008 and providing wholesale flowers, plants & sundries direct to florists throughout Essex and London.


We pride ourselves on catering for a range of florists and offer a selection of flower types from across the globe.


We pride ourselves on catering for a range of florists and offer a selection of flower types from across the globe.

Silk Flowers

We pride ourselves on catering for a range of florists and offer a selection of flower types from across the globe.

Why choose us?


We pride ourselves on offering the best service possible to our customers.


Established since 2008, we are proud to be a family run business.


Available 5.00am-12.00pm Monday-Friday and 5.00am-10.00am Saturday.

What they're saying

Meades Florist By Christina have been using Estuary Wholesale for the past 7 years as our main supplier of flowers and sundries and they never let you down. Not only do they offer a great selection of everything on a day to day basis but they are also lovely people who always helps you out with whatever you need. Having access to the freshest flowers everyday is very important to us as a business and would therefore highly recommend them to any trading florist.

Christina - Owner of Meades Florist By Christina

We've been doing this since 2008.

To make life easier for you we are also able to provide a keyhole delivery service.

Estuary Wholesale
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